Our cheap and fast orbital launch technology will clear the way for the commercialization of space

Cheapest space launch, ever

The Jet Gun 2.0 will provide the space industry with the lowest cost launch system the world has ever seen. Rather than using a gas jet, this next-generation launcher will use a beam of solid particles known as macrons that are directed at the bottom the spacecraft. Like in the gas-powered Jet Gun, the vehicle is pushed to high velocity, but this “Harrison beam” formed by a torrent of hypervelocity particles will have the ability to cut through the atmosphere without mixing while also being self-focusing. This will enable us to launch payloads into orbit at a cost of $10 per pound or less.

Shooting for the Moon

We don’t have lofty mission statements about putting humanity on Mars. We don’t want to be another smallsat launcher sending 200 kg to SSO. Wave Motion plans on leveraging the ultra-cheap launch cost using the Jet Gun 2.0 to enable the future space economy - we will go to the Moon to mine for resources for use in LEO and even back on Earth.